Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SAS DI Studio Best Practices

SAS DI Studio Best Practices

1. Take a metadata backup on a frequent basis (as per your environment) using %OMABAKUP. Ensure that a metadata backup is taken during partial promotion of metadata from one repository to another repository. 

2. Export / Import Wizards need to be used for partial promotion of metadata. 

3. The Loading technique in the “Loader” transformation should be 
a) Truncate – works well for DBMS tables 
b) Drop – works well for SAS datasets 

4. To dramatically improve the integration performance with Oracle / Teradata, one can use 
a) READBUFF =1000 
c) DATA <dataset-name>( COMPRESS=YES )

5. Use the “user-written” transformation for one-off user written code, specific to a particular job. 

6. Avoid unnecessary I/O (I/O – greatest bottleneck in a SAS job) 
a) Subset data first at the top of the job 
b) Pay attention to sorts and joins – (Separate –UTILLOC and -SASWORK , SORTSIZE = 1 GB or higher, MEMSIZE =1.5 GB { 50% more than the SORTSIZE }, UBUFNO =20) 

7. When one is debugging and working with large data files, specify OPTIONS OBS = < >; in the Pre and Post processing tab. The syntax for reseting this option is OPTIONS OBS=MAX; 

8. If the SAS logs are too large, then it is better to suppress the MPRINT option in the production environment. For the same, put %LET ETLS_DEBUG=0; in the file. 

9. A process flow with no intermediate tables is more efficient than a process flow with intermediate tables. 

10. To capture additional details in the SAS log, use 

11. Inform your SAS BI administrator to apply the requisite hot-fixes on time.

1 comment:

  1. O Hello Prachet,
    You have really explained in an interesting manner step wise for SAS Data integration studio practice.It's so helpful for me.Thanks for sharing
